South Africa’s top vehicle manufacturers, as rated by the country’s vehicle
rental and leasing companies, were honoured at this year’s SAVRALA
Manufacturer of the Year (MOTY) awards, announced at a gala ceremony
in Johannesburg.
The 28th edition of the MOTY awards, organised by the Southern African Vehicle
Rental and Leasing Association (SAVRALA), honours motor manufacturers for their
outstanding service and support to members. These members collectively oversee
approximately 400,000 vehicles annually through rental and leasing channels.
This year’s Overall winner is Isuzu for the fourth consecutive year. The
Value award for the Manufacturer scoring the best for the financial
section on the Leasing survey was awarded to Isuzu, winning this
award for the second time in the last three years.
Considering all the challenges currently facing the automotive industry, these
achievements are commendable. Manufacturers had to walk a tightrope to remain
operational in the prevailing tough economic conditions, locally and globally. Yet
despite these challenges, the industry showed resilience in achieving the best Rental
and Leasing industry scores achieved to date, with Isuzu leading the way.